Beat the Streets New England


Beat the Streets New England (BTSNE) is committed to giving kids a fighting chance through wrestling-based youth development. BTSNE believes in a world full of opportunity especially for our most vulnerable youth; we envision a future where all students succeed on the mat, in the classroom, and in life. BTSNE strives to maximize social impact by providing kids opportunities in college, career, trade, and service; creating a safe and productive after-school space where kids will be able to excel in all of their lives.

BTSNE’s first ever youth development software brings together its kids, parents, coaches, mentors, and BTSNE team in real time by putting people first! Currently youth organization have to use multiple systems that don’t focus on the social emotional development of our young people, but more on donor management, finance and data. 97% of BTSNE’s kids and families say that they have built a stronger relationship with themselves, their peers, and community through its system.